Sunday, March 22, 2009

new additions...Roper and Muddbud

the boys love their Choc Labs...they are brothers and will be 6 weeks old Thursday...
Peyton and Muddbud
John Preston and Roper


Kasey said...

so cute!!! I love the names... who named them?

Heather (Cox) Springer said...

they did...John Preston changed his like 10 times...Polo, Coco, chocolate,Buddy,etc. but then he just decided something like Rodeo, Chaps,Dally and I said Roper and he said yeah thats i am glad he named it that cause Roper already follows John Preston around eating his ropes...Peyton knew his name as soon as they decided that they were getting them.(it came fron one of those Air Bud movies)..we were getting one and they both decided they wanted one and since they were brothers and there was only two chocolate in the bunch we got both...i love them already but Auti is so jealous!!

Kayla said...

Oh they are so cute! Ive been begging Whitt to get one but he wants an english bulldog. I know Peyton and John Preston are having so much fun with them.

me and Peyton

me and Peyton
my big boy!!

me and John Preston

me and John Preston

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